5 Refreshing Ways to get Fit this Summer


Discover five refreshing ways to stay fit this summer and improve your overall well-being. With longer days and warmer weather, the great outdoors becomes your playground for fitness activities. Embrace the season and kick-start your fitness routine with these invigorating ideas.

Embrace Water Sports

Beat the Heat with the ultimate full-body workout with water sports. Whether it’s swimming, paddleboarding, kayaking, or surfing, these activities provide a fantastic way to strengthen your core, improve cardiovascular health, and tone your muscles. Enjoy the soothing nature of water sports while immersing yourself in the beauty of nature.

Explore Hiking and Trail Running

Make the most of summer by exploring the great outdoors through hiking and trail running. Immerse yourself in picturesque trails, lush landscapes, and breathtaking views. Engage your leg muscles, challenge your cardiovascular endurance, and improve your stamina. Reconnect with nature and boost your mental well-being with this holistic fitness experience.

Join Outdoor Group Classes

Escape the indoor gym and breathe in the fresh air by participating in outdoor group fitness classes. Many fitness studios and trainers organize outdoor sessions during summer. At CLIENTEL3, we offer a unique opportunity in partnership with Vibram. For only 50USD, gain access to our free Wednesday 6pm class, receive a pair of Vibram fivefinger shoes aligned with our movnat principles, and benefit from expert coaching. Not only will you enjoy the physical benefits of exercise, but you’ll also have the chance to socialize, make new friends, and find motivation, accountability, and a sense of community.

Cycle Your Way to Fitness

Take advantage of the low-impact exercise and scenic surroundings that cycling offers. Whether you prefer city streets, country roads, or mountain trails, cycling helps improve cardiovascular health, build leg strength, and increase endurance. Enjoy solo rides or join group cycling events for a more engaging and fun experience. Remember to prioritize safety by wearing appropriate gear and following traffic rules.

Outdoor Yoga and Meditation

Enhance your mind-body connection by practicing yoga and meditation outdoors this summer. Find a serene spot in your local park or on the beach, unroll your mat, and immerse yourself in the peace and tranquility of nature. Enjoy the flexibility, strength, balance, and inner peace that yoga and meditation bring. Breathing in fresh air and immersing yourself in the sounds of nature will have a profound impact on your mental well-being. Consider joining outdoor yoga classes or utilizing online resources to deepen your practice.

Some individuals may prefer the energy and camaraderie of group classes, while others may find solace in activities like yoga or outdoor sports. Fortunately, CLIENTEL3’s emphasis on holistic training and a variety of coaches in areas of expertise in their consent fields of fitness, may have the niche you are looking for.

Summer is the perfect time to infuse your fitness routine with freshness and vitality. By embracing outdoor activities like water sports, hiking, group fitness classes, cycling, and yoga, you can make your fitness journey enjoyable and invigorating. Say goodbye to the monotony of indoor workouts and explore the countless ways to stay active while enjoying the sunshine. Embrace the season, step outside, and discover the joy of getting fit this summer with these expert tips from CLIENTEL3.

If you want to learn more about personal training, contact us or check our social networks.