Renew yourself to achieve your goals


How are this year’s resolutions going? Any luck achieving your short and long terms goals? If the answer is negative, then perhaps is time for you to realize that it does not depend on what you write on paper, but on what attitude you have and what actions you make to accomplish your goals. It is time to renew yourself to achieve your goals, not your last year’s resolutions.

Start today

Let’s face it, there is nothing we can do about yesterday. So stop focusing on what you haven’t done so far and prioritize the things you can do to get back on track today.

The first step in committing to the best possible outcome this year is to be gentle with yourself. 

You will see an increase in your energy and make room for inspiration, by letting yourself off the hook! 

You are a member of the Human Race.  Realizing you are a ‘human being’ not a human ‘doing’ is a ‘Game Changer’. 

Now that we have cleaned the slate, let’s get started. 

Begin with a smarter (not harder) approach; be specific. Our second step is setting a realistic concrete goal in order to plan a trip, you need to pick your destination. After all, you cannot take an Uber to Aruba. Choose to lose a set amount of weight within a reasonable amount of time.

Better yet, find a fun event where you can demonstrate your training and talents, like running your first 5K by the first day of Spring.

Doesn’t that sound less daunting?

What’s next?

Given we have all done enough research to know that we cannot do this alone, step three is to hire a Personal Trainer. They will map it out for you.  The best personal trainers will not only find creative ways and workouts to keep you on track, but they will also feel like accountability partners. Connecting to a great coach is ongoing support in what is important to you.

At C3, specifically, we work to create habits and movement patterns that will serve you long after you have achieved your short-term goals. We want you to enjoy the journey of life by being able to move with ease and grace.

Finally, believe it or not, step four is not for you. Your Personal Trainer will set up a fool-proof plan. This plan will consist of small steps, where you incrementally improve and achieve. 

Approaching training this way builds confidence, not just a new body. You have worked hard. The best trainers know the key to creating long-term change is in changing how you feel and not how you look. Small measurable goals, building off each other will bring you to new heights! 

Good Training Programs have lasting effects on confidence and intuition.  Optimal movement patterns withstand the test of time, season, and terrain.

Don’t settle for a better body, a lower weight, or be a one-race wonder. Renew yourself and call one of our experts at CLIENTEL3.

We partner with our clientele to create THE BEST VERSION OF themselves at any age or stage of Life. 

Check our social media networks to learn more about what we offer.