How not to Feel Like a Stuffed Turkey over the Holidays

As we approach the holiday season, we are all excited to finally reconnect with our beloved friends and family. The holidays are an occasion of joy and sharing our time through events that usually have food and drinks at the epicenter of these gatherings. We should be able to enjoy ourselves and shelf some of… Continue reading How not to Feel Like a Stuffed Turkey over the Holidays

5 Exclusive Tools that Separate CLIENTEL3 From Everyone Else

What exclusive tools can you find at CLIENTEL3? Walking into your typical big box gym you already know what to expect. The first quadrant is most likely filled with cardio machines, the second quadrant is over-saturated with strength machines, and the third quadrant and petite free weight section, which is usually overrun by dumbbell racks… Continue reading 5 Exclusive Tools that Separate CLIENTEL3 From Everyone Else

Exercise Sequence: It Can Make or Break your Workout

With half the battle being what exercises to choose from, exercise order can make for amplified success through your training journey. It’s common to make improvised decisions that cluster random exercises together, but that won’t get you to your goals faster. Instead, try creating your training routine with more thought and consider these points as… Continue reading Exercise Sequence: It Can Make or Break your Workout

Why You Should Diversify Your Movement Portfolio

In the fitness industry, there’s no shortage of avenues to travel down. Whether you fall in the category of a powerlifter, Olympic lifter, or collegiate athlete, every adaptation you make comes with a cost. A powerlifter who’s peaking for a meet will likely resemble a penguin the way they walk. Explosive athletes like Olympic lifters… Continue reading Why You Should Diversify Your Movement Portfolio

Fad diet myths: Do they really work?

Fad diets have played a major role in developing the recipe, for a massive body composition change when it’s crunch time to get sexy. We practically work against ourselves prioritizing these diets with hopes to attain magazine cover results, that would typically take twice as much time as we are willing to put in.  Hype… Continue reading Fad diet myths: Do they really work?

Why lifting heavy weights won’t make women bulky

My Personal Experience with Women Lifting Heavy Weights Do women get bulky after lifting heavy weights? Let me tell you my experience. My first few months as a trainer were the definition of “trial by fire”, minus the actual fire. Around the New Year, there were 100+ consultations sold and nobody to render them. This,… Continue reading Why lifting heavy weights won’t make women bulky

Biohacking 101: Dasha Maximov’s Cheatsheet to Optimized Health

We had the opportunity to present some questions to an expert in the field of biohacking. If you ever wondered why you’re seeing so many more people intentionally submerging their unclothed bodies into ice-cold water or taking naps in hyperbaric oxygen chambers… wonder no more. We ask Dasha all of these questions and more. Let’s… Continue reading Biohacking 101: Dasha Maximov’s Cheatsheet to Optimized Health

How Fitness has helped me cope with my anxiety

My anxiety started somewhere in middle school. After my family and I moved, I started school in a new country with a language that I didn’t really speak. While middle school is probably torturous enough on its own, imagine entering it at a point where everybody knew each other since kindergarten and you are the… Continue reading How Fitness has helped me cope with my anxiety

I injured myself; how do I maintain strength?

Injuries can oftentimes be the cause for an unused gym membership and regular dates with a heating pad. Thankfully, most injuries are usually able to be worked around if you know what you’re doing. It can be scary not knowing what’s going on and how to continue to make progress without re-aggravating things. So let’s… Continue reading I injured myself; how do I maintain strength?

What is the difference between Mobility & Stretching?

Mobility and stretching are key to longevity in any realm of fitness. They both compliment each other and promote a healthier relationship between our joints and muscles. But they often get confused with one another.  Stretching Stretching seeks to elongate a muscle. Regardless of activity levels, stretching your muscles regularly should be a priority because… Continue reading What is the difference between Mobility & Stretching?