5 Mistakes that Could be Stopping You from Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Have you recently found yourself putting in time at the gym and logging hours with your trainer, but not seeing the results you want? Here is a list of the 5 mistakes that could be stopping you from achieving your fitness goals. Contrary to popular belief, no amount of exercise can do it all. Physical… Continue reading 5 Mistakes that Could be Stopping You from Achieving Your Fitness Goals

A Coach’s Perspective: How to create a fitness program – Part II

Welcome back! In this edition, we’ll go a little deeper into how to create a fitness program tailored to your needs!  How Much Do I Do in a Session? It can be time-dependent, but usually, 90 minutes is the longest your sessions should be unless you’re a powerlifter who’s taking 10 minutes between sets. I… Continue reading A Coach’s Perspective: How to create a fitness program – Part II

I injured myself; how do I maintain strength?

Injuries can oftentimes be the cause for an unused gym membership and regular dates with a heating pad. Thankfully, most injuries are usually able to be worked around if you know what you’re doing. It can be scary not knowing what’s going on and how to continue to make progress without re-aggravating things. So let’s… Continue reading I injured myself; how do I maintain strength?