5 Mistakes that Could be Stopping You from Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Have you recently found yourself putting in time at the gym and logging hours with your trainer, but not seeing the results you want? Here is a list of the 5 mistakes that could be stopping you from achieving your fitness goals. Contrary to popular belief, no amount of exercise can do it all. Physical… Continue reading 5 Mistakes that Could be Stopping You from Achieving Your Fitness Goals

A Coach’s Perspective: My Approach with New Clients – Part I

Have you ever looked at your trainer’s plan for the day and wondered how did he plan this exercise equation? Without an educated eye, it can be nearly impossible to do. If you’re not interested in understanding why that is totally fine. Plenty of clients come just for convenience and the community, which is awesome.… Continue reading A Coach’s Perspective: My Approach with New Clients – Part I

Exercise and Diet; which one is more important?

As humans, we have a tendency to want to seek out the most direct route to our goals. And why not? Isn’t the most direct way the most efficient in the end? Sure it is. But as we all know, the waters we swim in are not always crystal clear. This goes especially for the… Continue reading Exercise and Diet; which one is more important?

Build exercise habits when it’s good so they stick when it’s bad

On the Saturday after Thanksgiving I sat in my childhood bedroom. Since my move to Boston in 2017 and despite my resistance, my father has transformed it into his new office. A lot has changed since I left, since I learned how to be disciplined and how to build exercise habits. I was getting ready to drive… Continue reading Build exercise habits when it’s good so they stick when it’s bad

How to hire a professional trainer without breaking the bank

We live in an era where access to information is incredibly easy. However, if the information is all we needed then we would all be jacked, millionaires. The same happens when we want to hire a professional trainer and don’t want to lose money. For example, as a ‘high end’ personal training facility we charge… Continue reading How to hire a professional trainer without breaking the bank

Recovering from Injuries: Do’s and Don’ts

You are finishing up your last rep, going through that final sprint, pushing towards the finish line!…then all of a sudden you feel a pull and hear a “POP!” It’s the back of your thigh. Unfortunately, is common very common to get injured when you workout. You start thinking, “All is lost. I am not going… Continue reading Recovering from Injuries: Do’s and Don’ts

How to Find the Perfect Gym for Me

Finding the perfect gym can take weeks. That time may be well spent. The last thing you want is to sign up for a gym membership, watch the year go by, and realize that you might have bitten off more than you can chew. Investing in your health Starting any transformation process is going to… Continue reading How to Find the Perfect Gym for Me

Single-leg Routines You Can Do from Home

Believe me, it can be very advantageous for you to know some Single-leg Training Routines to do from the comfortability of your home during this lockdown. We know that many of you are feeling doubtful about how to keep your fitness lifestyle without attending the gym, but these routines will be great for you. First… Continue reading Single-leg Routines You Can Do from Home

Be Strong to Be Helpful

Two smiling men carry a heavy blue sofa on a white background. Instruction for couch transportation

Be Strong to be Helpful. This was the phrase that really stuck out to me upon my first encounter with Danny Clark from MovNat when I was taking my MovNat Level 1 certification. To say that this phrase greatly influenced my approach to fitness from that day forward is an understatement. Functional Fitness We have… Continue reading Be Strong to Be Helpful

How To Find The Best Diet

Make Healthy Decisions with the Behavior Change Menu In 2020 US News reported the 35 best diets of 2020. The Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet, the Flexitarian diet, Weight Watchers, the Mayo Clinic diet, the Volumetrics diet, the TLC diet, the Nordic diet, Vegetarian diets, Jenny Craig, the South Beach diet, the Biggest Loser diet,… Continue reading How To Find The Best Diet