4 Steps to finding your motivation

What is motivation? In fitness, it’s a common enemy for most beginners and the strongest ally for advanced athletes. Here is what you should do if you are interested in finding your motivation. It is also the key to any success story and the best part is that anyone can unlock it! Anyone who has worked… Continue reading 4 Steps to finding your motivation

The ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of a Good Warm-Up

Nowadays, a warm-up routine tends to be all over the place. Some people don’t do it at all, others spend 20 minutes on the floor foam rolling and stretching themselves into human Play-Doh. Sure, they’re all somewhat applicable in certain situations, but which way is right? Which way will get me primed and ready to… Continue reading The ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of a Good Warm-Up

How mindset helped me annihilate my fitness goals

I still find it hard to believe how different my body was just two years ago while I was still in my undergrad. I was your typical student studying night and day and always putting exercise on my list of things to do, but never quite making it happen. I was very far from my… Continue reading How mindset helped me annihilate my fitness goals

Biohacking 101: Dasha Maximov’s Cheatsheet to Optimized Health

We had the opportunity to present some questions to an expert in the field of biohacking. If you ever wondered why you’re seeing so many more people intentionally submerging their unclothed bodies into ice-cold water or taking naps in hyperbaric oxygen chambers… wonder no more. We ask Dasha all of these questions and more. Let’s… Continue reading Biohacking 101: Dasha Maximov’s Cheatsheet to Optimized Health

I injured myself; how do I maintain strength?

Injuries can oftentimes be the cause for an unused gym membership and regular dates with a heating pad. Thankfully, most injuries are usually able to be worked around if you know what you’re doing. It can be scary not knowing what’s going on and how to continue to make progress without re-aggravating things. So let’s… Continue reading I injured myself; how do I maintain strength?

Is your trainer hindering your fitness progress?

Not feeling challenged? When you work together with a personal trainer, chances are you are doing so to have them keep you motivated throughout your workouts and help you achieve your goals. Now, you’ve been spending a lot of time at the gym doing your workouts, but you walk out of every session feeling less… Continue reading Is your trainer hindering your fitness progress?

Newbie Gains: How to Start Your Fitness Journey?

When I first began weightlifting my biggest fear was getting injured. I knew I couldn’t lift heavy weights and thus didn’t think I had a place in the weight room. But eventually, I learned the basics and it picked up week by week. Here are the 6 things that every beginner should know if they… Continue reading Newbie Gains: How to Start Your Fitness Journey?

4 Tips to turn your thought into action and achieve your goals!

How are those New Year goals looking? Do you need tips to achieve your goals? Are you making strides towards your goals? Or have things fallen off and you haven’t quite gotten to where you need to be? If so, no worries. Here are 4 tips in helping you get back on track: 1. Review Many… Continue reading 4 Tips to turn your thought into action and achieve your goals!

How to maximize your fitness results during a lockdown

The Pandemic has drastically affected the way we live our lives and as a result, is causing most of us to adjust to new norms. Unfortunately, for Gym-Goers like you and me, developing a new strategy for gym shutdowns isn’t always easy. Losing access to free weights, mirrors with good lighting, and a plethora of… Continue reading How to maximize your fitness results during a lockdown

How To Prepare For Re-engagement With The World

As we get closer to returning to the gym I have been thinking of how to come out of this pandemic more powerful and prepared to get back to it.  In many ways, our routine has changed and most likely has impacted our body and mental health.  As I realized for myself, I was lost… Continue reading How To Prepare For Re-engagement With The World